Hello! Last week, We deployed Hello World app in ECS using Docker Compose Read Here. This week, Let’s deploy in ACI ( Azure Container Instance).

Prepare Docker context

All are the same with ECS only need to login using

 docker login azure

I will redirect to the Azure SSO. and sign in with Azure Account.

Next step is create context.

docker context create aci azure

# Select resource group
docker context ls
# to check context list
docker context use azure

Docker Compose’s integration for ECS and ACI will be retired in November 2023. You can use compose-ecsbut I will use docker compose for now

Prepare Docker Compose

git clone [email protected]:pyaephyohein/helloworld.git


cd helloworld

Now we can deploy, let us deploy with docker compose and please wait a while.

docker compose up

After docker compose up finished, you can check

docker compose ps

Docker Compose's integration for ECS and ACI will be retired in November 2023. Learn more: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-ecs-eol/
NAME                COMMAND             SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
helloworld_web      ""                  web                 Running   >80/tcp:80->80/TCP

Now you can access via Public IP.

After finished you can delete with following command.

docker compose down

If you build docker image in mac ( M1, M2) please add – platform ,FROM --platform=linux/amd64 baseimage:tagin Dockerfile, If not you will face exec error.

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